Conseil manitobain de l'hydrogène
Inaugural Meeting.
The first meeting of the Hydrogen Council of Manitoba will take place at
6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 in the meeting room of the
Bill and Helen Norrie Library, 15 Poseidon Bay, Winnipeg.
This is adjacent to the PanAm Pool. Two EV charging stations are
located in the parking lot.
Everyone interested in Hydrogen and the Climate Crisis is welcome.Other regular meetings will take place at venues and times to be announced.
The membership will decide timing and venues for such meetings.
The annual inaugural membership dues are set below.
Future dues will be determined by the membership.Companies = $100 (includes one individual membership)
(company sponsorships are available, please see below)
Individuals = $50
Students at any level = $25
Sponsorship of the Council, annual.
Annual sponsors will receive recognition on the Council website and on outgoing Council email. Sponsorship funds will be used to underwrite the Council's formation/operating expenses and membership meetings and will be recognized at the meetings. NOTE: These sponsorships are not unique (each level of sponsorship can have more than one sponsor ) Sponsorships and memberships are NOT charitable donations but would be a business expense. Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring the Council.
We also anticipate that there will be opportuities to sponsor special events (such as talks by invited speakers, forums, etc.), to be determined later.Robert Boyle sponsor = $1,500; Henry Cavendish sponsor = $1,000; Antoine Lavoisier sponsor = $750; Jacques Charles sponsor = $500; Henri Giffard sponsor = $300; and, Ferdinand von Zeppelin sponsor = $200.
If you would like to join the Hydrogen Council of Manitoba, please fill out this Membership Form. If it does not open quickly, then please check your Download directory.